Meet RVPC the world lowest cost Open Source Hardware All-in-one educational RISC-V computer with VGA and PS2 keyboard which will be available for DIY soldering workshop on Open Fest in Sofia this year!

The idea about EURO 1.00 Do-It-Yourself educational RISC-V computer came at TuxCon 2024 and I made lighting talk about it: So the idea came to this: Here is the result: CH32V003 in SO8 package – for easy soldering was choosen. It has just 6 GPIOs PS2 takes two GPIOs VGA takes three GPIOs – Vsync, … Continue reading Meet RVPC the world lowest cost Open Source Hardware All-in-one educational RISC-V computer with VGA and PS2 keyboard which will be available for DIY soldering workshop on Open Fest in Sofia this year!