If you are near Amsterdam tonight at 20:00 there is great event at Pakhuis de Zwijger with Federico Faggin – the father of the first processor Intel 4004 and later Intel 8080 Intel 8080 and Z80! It’s a one in a lifetime opportunity to meet one of the most influencing person in Computer industry.

Federico Faggin is mostly known as the father of the first ever microprocessor Intel 4004 back in 1971.

At 83 he is one of the few living legends in the Computer industry. This is one in the lifetime opportunity to meet such person face to face.

Not to mention that on the same event you can also see Bernardo Kastrup the father of AgonLight, Console8, Cerberus, Talos retro computers.

I regret I found this so late and can’t be there, but if you are near do not miss this opportunity!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Paul Robson
    Jun 07, 2024 @ 18:21:16

    Yep, if Bernardo had told me this a week ago rather than yesterday I could probably have made it 😦


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