Neo6502 the modern retro open source hardware which beats any other 6502 machines with price, speed and features now got comprehensive get started manual by Paul Robson, you need to check it out!

Neo6502 is amazing small machine, which runs on real W65C02 processor and although the clock is humble 6.25Mhz the additional RP2040 co-processor which handles the RAM, Graphics, Floatnig point arithmetics, Sprites, USB Flash drives, USB Game controllers and the clever firmware allow to Neo6502 to outperform all old retro machines x30 times faster on all tests, and to be 3-4 times faster to more decent 6502 machines like Commender X16.

Why is this? The secret is in the Neo6502 architecture.

The 6502 RAM is inside RP2040 which emulates it. This gives enormous advantage as 6502 is slow. So if you want to load or draw graphics you do not do any memory movements between the two (like every other 6502 computer does) this allow Neo6502 games written in BASIC to run much faster than on any other platform! No matter the later use FPGAs for graphics.

You can find the Get started document here. There is link also on the Neo6502 web page.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Almost Purchased
    Jun 17, 2024 @ 02:29:03

    Looks like a great board but, with shipping to the US about 50% of the price of the board + accessories, I’ll have to wait until they’re available locally.


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