New Project: Using A20-OLinuXino-MICRO as framegrabber with easyCap


Armando Basile submitted interesting project with A20-OLinuXino-MICRO to our Project section. He is using A20-OLinuXino-MICRO and easyCap framegrabber together to capture pictures.

You can see his project in action on the video below:

EasyCap – Low Cost USB Video Capture board drivers for A13-OLinuXino


EasyCap is low cost video capture USB dongle based on stk1160 chipset which could be find at low cost from ebay. It allow 1 to 4 cameras to be connected and to implement DVR security survilance on your PC.

Kaloyan Yovchev sent us tested drivers which works with A13-OLinuXIno and kernel 3.0.42+ which we uploaded on GitHub